Saturday Summary - 05/30/09
Friday, May 29, 2009
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Today my stocks took a slight pullback, but continue to feel very confident of their future. I sold all of EROC, and still believe it will pop, but I don't have the patience to wait on this. I have personal goals that must be reached and I refuse to stay stagnant.
I made some healthy purchases in ACTC today. The volume compared to the average was tremendously high. It averages 2-4 million, and today was over 16 million. This is a good indication that something big is about to happen. Sure, the jump to .15 was good, but there is more in store for this booger.
Although LGTT dropped, it still is my golden nugget right now. I believe it will continue to climb through June. ANDS is another question. Nothing can be found regarding the shareholder's meeting today, but we may hear something over the weekend. Speculation on a buyout or something positive is expected. Nothing can be found at this time. She's poised for a run, let's see what happens.
Till Sunday night, have a great weekend!
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