
Saturday Summary

Saturday, May 16, 2009 Leave a Comment

Current investments:  ANDS, DSCO, LGTT, XDSL, CHRTQ

Well, sometimes you have great weeks, and then sometimes you have really great weeks.  I missed out on some opportunities, but overall I've increased my account by 36%.  Considering my goal is 25%, I am thankful I achieved what I did.  At one point I was up to 50%, but the stock market is like the snowfall accumlation predictions, you never know what you are going to get. 

I'm still working on a table view for blogger for my transactions...It's just a little cumbersome. 
So I'll just have to translate to you until I can figure it out.    Also working on the Twitter thingy.  

As a whole, I've had some good picks this week.  OSCI, ACTC, and DSCO.  I've traded a lot this week because I refuse to lose my gains.  And thankfully, I bailed on NRTLQ and SQNM, both of which traded down after I sold them.  I believe they may have some upward movement this coming week, I just didn't want to hold them.  

I believe ANDS will recover (bought at 2.30, already at 2.28 AH).  Pinch will be on I believe for it.  DSCO has some terrific late afternoon action, as well as in the after hours trading (bought at .84, .91 end of day, .95 after hours).  XDSL, on recommendation, did not trade as expected today, but still ended green.  I'll sell it Monday.  LGTT has got to get it's act together, which I hope will be this coming week.  Folks, I believe these are wholesale prices on this stock, though.  I will be averaging down here this coming week.  This is my fourth time playing it, and I've made money every single time, so I won't give this one up.  It may not go up to a dime like the CEO is quoting, but you can come out with an easy double in my opinion if nothing else.  CHRTQ puzzles  me, but this one should see a double as well.  Just hanging on for the spike. 


  • Anonymous said:  

    36% in a week!?

  • KC said:  

    Yes, 36% in a week, which has not been unusual. I started with $600 - last year, I started with $14k, and thought I knew how to trade - lost all but the $600. I then realized that patience was my problem. I've taken that amount, and now have an excess of $33k. I'm thankful for this, and feel like I have found a sweet spot of sorts. Patience is the key though. With penny stocks, they normally always have a monthly or bi-monthly surge. You just have to be patient, and claim profits. 25% a week is not unheard of if you claim your profits and know what to get into.

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