Monstrous Monday Stock Blog - 06/15/09

Monday, June 15, 2009 Leave a Comment

Well, I've regrouped and am ready for another great week. All I'm hearing and reading is that everyone is ready for the market to pullback. It's like we're all wringing our hands and biting our fingernails. I can't say I haven't been a little anxious myself. However, I've had a few times in my short trading career that I've approached some crossroads and times of analysis. I've just had another, and thankfully, it's been in my favor. The truth is simple: We have money to make, folks. So let's do it.

I'll no longer reveal my purchases and sells in real-time, as I feel that this has worked against me. When you are dealing with pennies, especially with large audience, you never know who is working against you. And often times, the chemistry of the market can change - I've purchased many times away from my watch list, since some things develop through the course of the day. All I can ask is that you follow these picks, as they are on my watchlist.


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