Thundrous Thursday Blog - 07/23/09
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
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Seems like the pennies had a mixed bag today. Most of my stocks had extreme fluctuations, none of which were on the positive side for the most part.
I sold SPNG, even though I like what it could become. The main reason I sold was because the resistances are so strong, that I feel I could make more money elsewhere. For all those dedicated SPNG fans, keep holding. I'm sure someday it will perform, but I'm afraid it may see a lull again.
AMNE tanked...Upsettingly. Why? Profit taking. It found it's previous parking spot at .005. This stock could become the next BEHL in my opinion. The forward split is fast approaching, and it could really take off. I tried to grab some more shares, as I think it will recover tomorrow. Personally, I'm tired of seeing it in my portfolio.
GNBT surprised me. Signals pointed north, and it reversed direction today. All signals still look good, so it appears that this is a period of accumulation. Let's see what tomorrow holds. I still think it could hit a buck before it's all said and done. Look at the history and you will see what I mean.
WNBD is still accumulating. Nuff said on that. Will post a revised list of picks here shortly.
And if any of you are on Zecco, please give me some feedback. I'm currently using Scottrade, and am paying out the nose in trading fees. I've got a Sogotrade account, and although it might be good for shorting, I can't use it for pinkies and OTC stocks. They are not available to them.
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