Wednesday's Empty Bucket Blog - 07/08/09

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 Leave a Comment

I'm not sandbagging on my picks...I have full confidence in the array that is currently standing.


Every scan that I have set up currently is showing everything in a downward trend. I guess if you've never shorted before, now's the time. Chances are, you will win. Don't buck the trend until a bottom is evident. As I posted on Monday, the drum beat keeps going, and despite such doom and gloom, I'm thankfully still making money.

IDOI took off today, and should have a good run tomorrow. AMNE is faithful at parking at .005. SPNG got a late day shot in the arm, and may have a good jump tomorrow. LGTT needs a lifevest (again). OSCI is uncertain, an WNBD took a small retracement, but has some great potential. I think it's being hyped some, but I could care less about the company. Just show me the money, and I'll be glad to move on.

I'll be searching tomorrow for any changes to the current picks. My one outlier is EESO...I don't like it for short term.


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