Daily Stock Challenge - 07/21/09
Monday, July 20, 2009
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I'd like to start something that could really be fun (at least for me, you might think it's plum corny). I'd really like to establish a 15% challenge on a daily basis. Do you realize that if you could pick one stock, once a week, for 52 weeks, and gain 15%, then you'd have a million dollars by the end of the year? Figure it out. Oh, sure, there will be plenty of naysayers, and say it's impossible. But let's give it a whirl. So, I'll post here my results, and see where it heads.
My pick for July 21: GNBT
Great pick!!
I did follow it this afternoon.. too late for me to get it, but I did follow pretty good with AGEN. I managed to buy it @1.63 and sold it at 1.87!!
Shall we keep an eye on GNBT still?
Yes..Will be my pick for tomorrow as well. NRTLQ might be a good one too. Just rec'd news of an offer for assets.
NRTLQ can be a good pick too...I'm with Sogo and they would not trade any PINK stocks. It looks like this comp has filed or is already under bankruptcy rule. I'll check a bit more on that. Thank you!
I am new to investing.I just opened an account in Sogotrade. Since this is less than a dollar, they charge a bit more per trade. How much amount would you recommend so that I can save on the fees? Which brokerage would you use?
Hi Ravi,
I've got Sogotrade too, and I'm not crazy about it. Plus, I can't trade pinks or OTCs either. I've heard Zecco is pretty good. Click on the banner up above. I've got Scottrade, but the fees are outrageous. I'm going to try Zecco too, and get out of Sogotrade....It doesn't serve my purpose.