Thermal Tuesday Stock Blog - 07/21/09

Monday, July 20, 2009 Leave a Comment

Today ended much better than I had expected. AMNE took a climb, and a great one at that. From .004ish to .0059. I think this run will continue on through tomorrow. Hoping for a tremendous run.

SPNG gave a buy signal (DI+ crossed over ADX). Nice little diddy from .102 to .12. Great mover. Glad I held on to it. WNBD is accumulating at this level, and is getting some additional news supports. I bought GNBT today, another buy signal. I expect .80 to 1.00 out of this one. Maybe more.

GGC rebounded nicely from a poorly played purchase. A very valuable rule for all newbies and even experienced traders....Never, ever buy in the first hour of trading...especially in a spike. This is just plain stupidness. Sorry for the bluntness, but this has caught me so many times, you would think I would have learned by now. The only exception to this rule is if the stock is stable and has high acculumation at roughly the same bid/ask levels.

Had a tremendous day, and thankful for it. Was pretty beaten down over the last two weeks, and lost about 20% of my portfolio. Now, we're down 10%, and looking to finish July with some healthy fireworks over the next couple weeks. Looks like news reports are mixed, so hold the NYSE and NASDAQ stocks at bay...they are hard to play right now until some stability comes.

Currently in the midst of starting a new site, with forum, signup and more picks. A good friend is working on the site, and is doing a great job. Expect to launch in mid August. I had just redone this site, but as time is going on, and a lot more traffic, I wanted more interaction with my fellow stock traders, and want to get more offerings and content so we can all be successful traders. Sticking together is essential and I'm still learning all the ins and outs of a vast sea of info and techniques in the stock market. I don't know it all, but would I appreciate all the comments, as well as stock suggestions and insights.


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